(logo)  The popup menu


Given a link or an image, there are a number of things you might like to do with it. You might want to follow a link, download it, open it in a new window, load or flush an image, etc. The popup menu offers a way to choose from all these different functions in a clear and easy fashion.

Using the popup menu

To open the popup menu, hold the ALT or the Ctrlkey and click on a link or an image. Or, you can click on a link or an image using the middle mouse button if you own a three-button mouse. The menu opens and presents you a list of choices depending on the type of object you clicked on. Then you can click on the desired function.

You can configure AWeb to open the popup menu also if you hold down the SHIFT key, or not to open the popup menu if you hold down the ALT or the Ctrlkey.

To close the menu without choosing a function, you can click the right mouse button, or click anywhere outside the popup menu.

Image functions

If you opened the popup menu for an image, it can contain the following functions as long as they are applicable:

Load image Load the image, just like if you had clicked on the image.
Reload image Reload this image.
Save image This will save the image, just like if you had shift-clicked on the image.
Download image This will download the image, just like if you had shift-clicked on the unloaded-image icon.
Flush image Flush this image from memory.
Show image This function shows the image using the external viewer for this image type.

Link functions

If you opened the popup menu for a link, it can contain the following functions as long as they are applicable:

Open link This will show the document behind the link in the current window, just like if you had clicked on the link.
Open link in new window Open a new window, and display the document in the new window.
Load link in background This function retrieves the document, but doesn't display it in any window. You will use this function to load a page into the cache, to view it later.
Save link Save the document behind this link to disk, just like if you had shift-clicked on the link.
Download link Download the document behind this link and saves it to disk, just like if you had shift-clicked on the link.
Add link to hotlist This adds an entry to the hotlist for the URL this link points to.

If you open the popup menu for an image that is also a link, the popup menu will contain both sets of functions.

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